Der Blog zieht um!!

posted on: Sonntag, 25. Mai 2014

Nach eingehender Stille hier auf dem Blog, ist es nun endlich so weit: Findungsphasen zieht nach Wordpress um! Heute geht es los mit der aktuellen Ausgabe der Kaffeesätze und dort gibt es dann in Zukunft auch jede Menge Neues zu entdecken. 

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Bitte also daran denken, die Adresse in eurem Reader zu ändern, wenn ihr über Updates informiert werden wollt. Nur bei Bloglovin kümmere ich mich selbst darum. (Drückt mir die Daumen, dass mir das gelingt...)

Wir sehen uns auf der anderen Seite! (hehe, Wortspiel!)

A vital sign from your blogger

posted on: Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014

It has been silent around here and there are plenty of reasons for that. For once, I am working on some major changes regarding the blog that SHOULD have been all done with by now, but I am still not quite satisfied. Mainly because we are heading into the last weeks of the semester and things at Uni are getting stressful. That makes me angry, because I want to spend those precious last weeks in Italy not studying but being outside in the sun, with the wonderful people I have met here, enjoying life. 

I am working on plenty of posts about my trips and have many stories in my mind that are waiting to find their way into the world. For starters I posted a little sneak peek of one of the highlight of our Rome trip: The stunning rooftop terrace. It was amazing, so much I can tell you. I will show you the rest of the pictures as soon a possible.

For now, just be aware: I am alive. I am happy. I have ideas that I am simply lacking the time to implement. Just be patient with me for a little longer.  

Happy 1st May!