Photo of the week #3 and what has been going on

posted on: Mittwoch, 12. März 2014

The view on the shore from the Vaporetto on a beautiful day that the sky was blue and I had brought my camera.

It has been silent on the blog and there is more than just one reason for that. First the days were too perfect to sit inside and write and even if I tried to I found my mind was empty. Then I hit a little low for a few days, nothing too crazy, but it stung where it stings, when you are stressed and out of control of your days, your work, your lifestyle and your privacy (yeiih, double room!) - well, anything. When at the same time you want to hit the "Fast Forward" and the "Pause" Button.

But things got sorted out (they always do, right?) and now I am slowly finding back to my mojo. I am realizing: More than half of my time here has passed already and I have to ask myself what I want to do with the time that is left since there is hardly any "later" now.

And even though the words here have been sparse here, there is something new coming and I am really excited about it. Like, really really really excited about it. Stay tuned!

Foto der Woche

3 Kommentare:

  1. Wow! You really nailed that shot! Wonderul composition and the colours are amazing. Well done!

  2. Ein uuuunglaublich schönes Bild! Und dass man mal das Wetter genießt oder den Kopf frei für andere Dinge braucht (nenn ich jetzt mal so) ist ja völlig normal - und doch ist es immer wieder schön, wenn Blogger sich zurück melden :) Bin gespannt was kommen mag!

  3. Wirklich ein sehr sehr schönes Bild! Stimme meinem Vorschreiber zu :)


you make me a very happy blogger.