2014: Here's to new beginnings!

posted on: Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a great start into the new year? I went into NYE with little expectations, but it was an awesome night with lovely people, great food and a panoramic sight on the most beautiful fireworks. There might have been a few tears around midnight, too, when I realized that soon I will have to leave everyone behind. Yep, when you read this I am probably already on a plane to live in Italy for six months - in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I feel a little shaky, but mostly there is pure excitement, since I promised that after a rather slow 2013 I would take new risks in 2014. And now it is on!!!

{So before this place will mostly be filled with travel stories and photos of gondolas, I figured I would take one last chance to talk a little bit about my plans and hopes for the upcoming year - on the blog and in "real life".}

Thing is: Sometimes I feel bad. Really bad. Because I am the most indecisive person when it comes to my blog, which means that things are constantly changing around here. The language, the design, my ideas... as you see, right now I am back to English. Simply because, when I decided to switch to German for the time being, I felt I missed the oppurtunity to connect with people from all over the world, whose blogs I love to read and with whom I want to be in a dialogue. Same with the design - I get tired of my designs so quickly and I am always on the quest for the perfect look. But then, particularly around new year, I saw so many bigger bloggers, artists, photographers, that seemed to also constantly change their designs or their "blogging voice" and wrote about being insecure and clueless which step to take next. So I figured: To hell with my bad conscience, when I get there I will know, and until then this is my blog and I am free to go crazy here.

I have come to really love this place. I love writing and I love to improve my photography. I love writing columns and articles. I love to go places and reflect on them, And I enjoy sharing this crazy journey that I am on. I am currently discovering so many new things (hell, I packed a yoga mat in my suitcase - who would have thought this possible a few months ago?) and taking up a pen has always been my (sometimes much neglected) way of dealing with things. So basically my major resolution for the upcoming year is just to do more of this. To be creative and to share. To not be afraid of what someone will think of something I put out there. I will write and play music and take photos and then I will write again.

{I will throw fear to the wind, for it is just in my head anyway. I will see more places and meet more people. I will love every damn minute of every damn hour. I will try, at least. I will tumble and safely land on my feet and then I will tumble again.}

I want these next months to be full of travel and movement and by the end of this year I want to stand at the finish line, sweaty and out of breath, but euphoric. And I will be summing up this year for you here and I will write about how proud I am that I have made all these things happen.

Tonight all that is left to do is having dinner with my family, pack the last things everything and just hope nothing is missing and if there is it is too late now anyway, put some new songs on my MP3-Player (any great ideas? Luka, I am counting on you!) and head off. Me and the boyfriend will spend a three day holiday in Venice before things get serious for me. 

Thanks to everyone, who is reading regularly (and to the people who will start hanging round to read about my travels - welcome!) and everyone in my life, who makes going away so hard. Here is to new adventures in 2014!

I love you all & see you here in a few days!

(Sorry for being so mushy gushy, I have been quite sentimental lately.)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Oha. Jetzt bin ich selbst ein bisschen traurig :) Komm gut an und hab einen fantastischen Start in diese spannende Zeit.

    1. Oooh, traurig wollte ich aber niemanden machen ;)

  2. und weg ist sie - bin irgendwie hibbelig für dich und vor allem gespannt, was du von venedig hälst auf dauer. wenn du dich abseits der touristenpfade durch dieses kleine universum bewegst.
    mir war es zu voll, als ich da war, ich konnte kaum atmen.
    zu dieser jahreszeit ist das hoffentlich anders.
    wird sicherlich nicht immer rosarot, aber ein großes abenteuer.
    wenn du wiederkommst bist du zum tee eingeladen. ;)

    sei gedrückt.

  3. ps: ach, ich dussel.
    musik. (fühle mich geehrt!)
    mir fehlt im moment selbst eine frische brise, aber was so läuft:
    fitz&the tantrums, vance joy, hozier, nick waterhouse, volcano choir, paper bird, the careful ones, tom rosenthal, the bonfire band, das hier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvsfRSm9Au4 in schleife. hoffe es ist was dabei. ;)


you make me a very happy blogger.