When you open your Facebook front page and a friend of yours just posted "There are people kayaking by my window" you know that the hightide in Venice has reached a new level. I had heard about the city being flooded before, but I certainly did not imagine it to be like this - including late night wading through alleys turned into lakes so dark you cannot even see the ground & soaking wet feet because the water is too high for your rubber boots. For the Venetians it is not a big deal though and sometimes the men are even so nice to piggyback unprepared tourists to the next scaffold or dry Vaporetto station.
Usually I will leave all my important belongings at home, because everything is soaked within a few minutes. On a day it was not too bad I dared to take my camera to snap a few photos.
Times are a little crazy right now with university starting on Monday, so bear with me until I find my mojo again. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, may it be sunny or snowy or, well, as wet as it is here!
Wow, so hätte ich mir das auch beim besten Willen nicht vorgestellt...
AntwortenLöschenUnd in Deutschland gibt es schon beim kleinsten Lüftchen eine Unwetterwarnung ;)
Löschenwow (:
AntwortenLöschenYou have an absolutely beautiful blog - both your writings and photos are captivating. I'm so glad I stumbled across it! I followed and I will be checking back often for sure.
AntwortenLöschenSo, so happy to hear this! Thank you <3
Löschenoh wow. it's been flooding too in some cities in indonesia. hope you're ok/
AntwortenLöschennaah, we are okay! Life just goes on here in Venice :D
LöschenWow! Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass die Stadt so flutet. Verrückt! Aber wahnsinnig tolle Fotos sind das geworden :)
AntwortenLöschenViiielen Dank :)